Parkside Church Westside Blog

The latest news for August 6, 2023

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Family News

We grieve with Jami Gray and her family upon the death of her stepfather, Charles Shaffer.
We also pray for Roberdo Flanders and his family as they grieve the loss of his brother, Rashiem Flanders.  

Children's Ministry - August 6th

Children's Ministry classes will resume on August 6th, when K-5 and Neighborhood (6th-12th grades) will move up for the new school year. 

Baptism Workshop - August 6th

We will meet for part 2 of our baptism workshop on Sunday, August 6th, at 10:15am in Room 210. 

Student Step-Up Night - August 6th

Students entering 6th grade are welcome to begin participating in student ministry at Parkside Church Westside on this “step-up” night on August 6th at 5:00pm in the lower level. Families are invited to come along too. We’ll provide some pizza, play some games, and share some information about our student ministry. RSVP if you can join us! 

End of Summer Student Retreat - August 19th and August 20th

Students entering grades 6th-12th, are invited to the End of Summer Retreat at Camp Patmos on Kelleys Island! More details and registration can be found here!   

Men's Fella-ship - August 22nd

Join us at Wallace Lake in Berea on Tuesday, August 22nd, at 6:15pm! Bring a lawn chair, and hopefully Honey Hut ice cream will be open to enjoy. Questions? Contact Mike Chernosky or Jared Jolley.     

Praise and Worship Night - August 25th

Join us as we lift our voices together to praise the Lord on Friday, August 25th, at 6:30pm in the lower level! Bring a dessert to share. We'll sing some songs together in a casual setting over some sweet treats. Questions? Contact Jared Jolley or Hanna Glessner. 

Parkside at Prayer - August 27th

Join us as we share a meal and pray together on Sunday, August 27th, at 5:00pm in the Lower Level. Please bring a side or accompaniment for the meal and RSVP to if you plan to attend. 



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