Parkside Church Westside Blog

The Latest News for December 18, 2016

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Westside Youth Neighborhood Christmas Party
Neighborhood will meet for a Christmas party this Sunday, December 18 at the church offices from 6:00 - 8:00pm (please note the difference in time this week). The festivities will include pizza (we've got dinner covered), games, a gingerbread house competition, and a white elephant gift exchange. Make sure to send your students with a wrappeditem for the gift exchange—think less than $10 or a some silly item from your home. We hope to see you there!

In Case of Inclement Weather
We will not cancel Sunday services for inclement weather. All other events will take place unless we think it's best to cancel. If that is the case, we will get the word out via our website and our social media channels.

Sunday Morning Prayer
Every Sunday morning we meet at 9:30am, in the Garfield Middle School gymnasium, before the service begins to pray. Anyone is welcome to join us for these 15 minutes together as we seek God's help in our time together.

Christmas and New Year’s Services
As the holiday season approaches, we wanted to give you a heads up about services for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day which fall on Sundays. We will have dialed back services on both days and invite all of the children to join the main congregation as the Children’s Ministry and nursery will not meet.

Meals for New Families
If you're expecting, either by birth or adoption, or have recently welcomed a new one to your family, we'd love to help you during those hectic first few days. Our team of volunteers is standing by to provide you with dinner for a couple of weeks so that you can spend time with your family. If you're interested, let us know and by filling out this form and we'll take care of the rest! If you’d like to volunteer to help us support our friends and neighbors in this way, fill out our Volunteer Sign-up form or sign up through our app.


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